Friday, March 28, 2008

Fourth Assignment

Symbol: helmet 451- the helmet symbolizes that he is a firefighter, the 451 on it symbolizes the temperature at which books burn.
This symbol helps us know kind of what the book is going to be about.
Characters: Guy Montag, Mildred,Clarisse,
Guy Montag and Beatty are firefighters. Mildred is Guy's wife. Clarisse was Guy's neighbor and friend. She was the one who actually got Guy thinking about the things going around him. Clarisse only comes out in the beginning of the book because she gets killed. Mildred and Guy come out almost in the whole book, since Guy Montag is the main character. Beatty is like the captain of the Firefighters so he only comes out when Guy has to work.
These characters makeup the story. each of them are necessary to make the story work.
Metaphor: a fountain of books sprang down- The firefighters are at a persons house and are ready to burn the books they found. it just means that the way they are burning the books the fire makes them go up in flames.
I know this is a metaphor because literary there can not be a fountain of books.
The purpose of this metaphor in the book is to show that books are an important part of the book i guess!
Probably the project of the book is that books are a huge part of society.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assignment

  • Well I think that its not really original. For example theres the book 1984, where its about people being controlled in a society which is pretty much the same thing in fahrenheit 451. Its just a different setting.
  • Well to me everything is original because i havent really read any other book like this.I've never even heared about a society that makes books elegal therefore they burn them.
  • I'm not sure, maybe if they were really artistic if thats the word, then yeah. I just think that it would be really hard because storys now a days are pretty much the same.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment

1. I think the main character in this story is Guy Montag.

2.Well there is this character in the book named Clarisse McClellan. I think that the only similarities between me and her right now is that we're both girls and 17, other than that theres nothing. She is kind of weird.

3. Well if i was Guy Montag and i was a firefighter i would probably see fires all the time. I would always have the scent of kerosene.